Apple Tree Felt Board: Farmer Brown's Apples!

I never get tired of apples, and I never get tired of apple felt boards!  And I never get tired of making up (or piggy backing) apple songs and rhymes to use at circle time...

You can see past apple felt board fun right here.

But onward we must go!  Or backwards, in this case--to a song from way back in my early days of teaching.  

Now there are LOTS of ways to mix this song up.  

🍏I've done it by inviting children up to pick an apple of the tree and pretend to eat it.  

🍎I've been the farmer and eaten all the apples myself!

🍏I've had a puppet eat the apples, too.

🍎And in this version, I use felt characters from my dragon, elephant, Over in the Meadow, unicorn, and Kwanzaa sets to munch up those sweet, crispy apples!  

I kind of love this song, and I hope you will, too!  Let's sing!

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