Kwanzaa Flannel Board Set!

I thought it would be fun to create some holiday sets for holidays that I don't personally celebrate. (I was right--it WAS fun, and wow, I learned a lot while doing research for these sets.)  I'm so happy to be able to share these, as I think it's so important to expose kids to various cultures, and to share in celebrations with the kids who DO celebrate holidays outside of my own experience :)  

I focus holiday sets on the parts of holidays that kids understand, so the concepts are about simple traditions vs. any religious themes that might be attached.  

I also want them to be usable both as storytime sets-- where the adult is using the set pieces as props to support a rhyme, song or story--and as play sets for the kids--where the kids are re-enacting traditions, songs, and stories that they've learned about.

First up was Diwali, and now it's time for Kwanzaa!

Here's one of the songs I'll use with this set:

It is Kwanzaa! ©Wendy Gerbi

to the tune of Frere Jacques
Teach the kids how to do this as a call and response.  As you sing about each piece, place it on your flannel board, or you may want to have some of them already positioned.
It is Kwanzaa, it is Kwanzaa
Seven days of light, seven days of light
Candles in the kinara, candles in the kinara,
They shine so bright, they shine so bright!

It is Kwanzaa, it is Kwanzaa
Seven days of light, seven days of light
Corn for all the children, corn for all the children,
On the straw mat, on the straw mat.

It is Kwanzaa, it is Kwanzaa
Seven days of light, seven days of light
Lots of fruits and veggies, lots of fruits and veggies
For our karamu feast, for our karamu feast!

It is Kwanzaa, it is Kwanzaa
Seven days of light, seven days of light
Pass around the Unity Cup, pass around the Unity Cup,
We are all together, we are all together!

It is Kwanzaa, it is Kwanzaa
Seven days of light, seven days of light
Gifts for friends and family, gifts for friends and family
Let’s celebrate, let’s celebrate!

Naturally, I also laminated a small Kwanzaa flag, so we can play a Kwanzaa version of the Little Mouse game.  I'm sure you're surprised ;) 

Little flag, little flag, where can you be?
Are you under the kinara?
Let's peek and see!

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