Hickory Dickory Dock Felt Board Set


Oh, I love a classic nursery rhyme!  (I think I might be an old fashioned, low-tech kind of girl.)

I had an older version of Hickory Dickory Dock, with a mouse.  And a clock.  But a one use set wasn't cutting it.  It was just a little too simple (although I do think simple is a good, good thing!)

So how to mix it up, but keep it simple, right?
Enter the mouse, the clock...and some friends!

Now, going up the clock isn't just for mice!  
Let's JUMP up the clock!  
Let's CRAWL slooowwwwly up the clock!  
Let's RUN up the clock!  

And hey--we can give clues to the kids and have them guess which animal is going next...
"I'm thinking of a tiny critter who has a shell and moves very slowly..." 
"Lets find an animal that jumps AND has a pouch for their baby..."
"This animal moves quickly, and can be a pet at your house..."

Here's a video of one way to use these friends:

Now, I also printed out a little clock, because why not have a Hickory Dickory version of the Little Mouse game?  It's always a winner, right?!

Tick tock, tick tock, the clock is hiding somewhere..
Is it beneath the green frog?  Let's check under there!

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