Emergency Vehicles

My little fire truck friend has turned into a policeman, and these pieces were made for him.  He has one of my Town Sets, and when his mom asked me if I could replace his missing fire engine, she also requested a city police car, a "country" police car, and a police rescue boat.  These are the finished pieces.  He was thrilled, I'm happy to say :)

Check out my shop for lots of felt sets!

I would use these in my classroom along with the aforementioned Town Set at a table or anywhere for the kids to use independently, but of course they could be used to go along with a story time about community helpers, vehicles, emergencies, etc.  The simplest way might be to hide something under one of the vehicles and play a game of hide and seek (little puppy, little puppy, playing hide and seek--are you under the police boat?  Let's take a peek!)

Flannel Friday is being hosted this week by Kate at Felt Board Magic!  You can also find tons of ideas at Flannel Friday's Pinterest Pages, the Flannel Friday Blog, and Flannel Friday's Facebook page.


  1. Emergency vehicles are always a hit with kids, and using a flannel board to teach about them is such a brilliant idea! It is a fun and interactive way to help children learn about the important roles these vehicles play. On another note, if you have any old or damaged vehicles lying around, cash for scrap cars Adelaide can help you clear them out while supporting recycling efforts. Keep sharing these wonderful activities!

  2. Emergency vehicles play such a vital role, and this is a great way to showcase them! When older vehicles are retired from service, Cash for Car services can help recycle them responsibly. Thanks for sharing this fun and educational post! https://www.cashforcarssydney.com.au/

  3. I really enjoyed your insightful post on emergency vehicles and their crucial roles. It got me thinking about how even aging vehicles can still offer value through options like cash for unwanted cars , providing a smart and hassle-free solution. Thanks for sharing such engaging content!
