

Most years we make real veggie soup with the kids in the fall.  We've been singing and dancing to the Soup Song by Laurie Berkner for a few years, and I thought it might be fun to add some visuals to go with that activity.  We also have a chant that we do a lot:  Chop, Chop, Chippity, Chop.  (When we do the chant, we use our big voice and our big knives to do some veggies, and our tiny knives and our tiny voices for others...)  We do this song, too:

The soup is boiling up
The soup is boiling up
Stir slow-around we go
The soup is boiling up.

First we add the broth
First we add the broth
Stir slow-around we go
The soup is boiling up.

Now we add some carrots(tomatoes, radishes, etc.)
Now we add some carrots
Stir slow-around we go
The soup is boiling up.

So, this year we used the veggies below, and I also found lots of other ideas at Flannel Friday's Food Page!  I used clipart as my templates, and did the collage method to make everything really stand out :)

(Though I originally posted this in late December, I'm including it in the January 8th Flannel Friday Roundup.  This week's Flannel Friday is being hosted by Mollie at What Happens in Storytime.  You can also check out all things Flannel Friday related on Pinterest or the Flannel Friday Blog.)


  1. Thank you so much for sharing, Wendy :) I am going to be doing a "Warm & Cozy" storytime at the library in a few weeks time, and these will be perfect to go along with the book, Soup day by Melissa Iwai.

    1. Yay, Lois! I'm working on a quilt one I just found over at Busy Crafting Mommy that might also work well for your Warm and Cozy storytime:

      Thanks for commenting!

    2. Thank, Wendy! I pinned it to my "Winter" pinterest board for next year :)
